Suffering from digestive issues? Here's how to solve them

Suffering from digestive issues? Here's how to solve them

September 20, 20243 min read

When it comes to digestive issues, we’re taught by our doctors to look for the smoking gun, that it’s “just” your gallbladder or a hiatal hernia that is at the root of the issue.

That’s incorrect in the vast majority of cases.

Troubles with digestion are rarely about one thing being off, like a food sensitivity or lack of a certain nutrient, it’s almost always a multitude of things.

And this is why it’s so common to struggle with this persistent discomfort that destroys your productivity and time with your family.

So if you’re looking for answers, here are the areas you need to look into…

→ Testing for potential nutritional deficiencies that are impairing the digestive process, which include vitamins B1, B6, B12, zinc, magnesium, iron, iodine, and certain amino acids.

→ Proper testing for food sensitivities, which are different from allergies but can cause serious gut issues. In fact, I had one client diagnosed with severe gastroparesis who’s symptoms improved 90% within a few days after we removed several foods that were positive on her food sensitivity test

***Note, most food sensitivity tests are pure garbage. The one I rely on is called the LRA and it’s significantly more accurate than the more common IgG testing most functional doctors order.

→ Digestive function within the gut, which requires a comprehensive stool panel that looks for pancreatic elastase and products of fat and protein breakdown, amongst others.

→ Stressors and impaired breathing, which will affect the autonomic nervous system (fight or flight versus rest and digest response).

→ Circadian rhythm/light exposure, sleep, and food timing, all of which are potent signalers to your gut of when to “turn on” and work in a consistent fashion.

→ Quality of the food you are eating and macros.

→ Physical activity, since movement helps “move” the bowels and sitting constantly affects anatomy.

→ Environmental toxins, whether that’s pesticides, heavy metals, or those found in your home/personal care products.

→ Dysbiosis, which can lead to an upregulated beta-glucuronidase which impairs detoxification within the gut.

I could go on, but you get the point… digestion is complex.

It requires many facets of your health to be in working order.

And, unfortunately, your doctors are not testing for 95% of these things.

They’ll do a colonoscopy and an endoscopy, say everything looks fine and then send you on your way saying everything looks normal.

No nutrient or toxin testing. No comprehensive stool panel. No food sensitivity testing.

But if you are symptomatic, things are not normal.

There is no reason you should be in discomfort or pain.

There is no reason for you to continue to be laid up on the couch at night, unable to move.

It’s simply a matter of figuring out what areas are out of balance and then to correct them in the proper sequence.

I’ve had clients resolve all sorts of chronic gut issues, from constipation and diarrhea, to reflux and gallbladder attacks.

It can be done, even if you’ve been to numerous doctors without results

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Suffering from digestive issues? Here's how to solve them

Suffering from digestive issues? Here's how to solve them

September 20, 20243 min read

When it comes to digestive issues, we’re taught by our doctors to look for the smoking gun, that it’s “just” your gallbladder or a hiatal hernia that is at the root of the issue.

That’s incorrect in the vast majority of cases.

Troubles with digestion are rarely about one thing being off, like a food sensitivity or lack of a certain nutrient, it’s almost always a multitude of things.

And this is why it’s so common to struggle with this persistent discomfort that destroys your productivity and time with your family.

So if you’re looking for answers, here are the areas you need to look into…

→ Testing for potential nutritional deficiencies that are impairing the digestive process, which include vitamins B1, B6, B12, zinc, magnesium, iron, iodine, and certain amino acids.

→ Proper testing for food sensitivities, which are different from allergies but can cause serious gut issues. In fact, I had one client diagnosed with severe gastroparesis who’s symptoms improved 90% within a few days after we removed several foods that were positive on her food sensitivity test

***Note, most food sensitivity tests are pure garbage. The one I rely on is called the LRA and it’s significantly more accurate than the more common IgG testing most functional doctors order.

→ Digestive function within the gut, which requires a comprehensive stool panel that looks for pancreatic elastase and products of fat and protein breakdown, amongst others.

→ Stressors and impaired breathing, which will affect the autonomic nervous system (fight or flight versus rest and digest response).

→ Circadian rhythm/light exposure, sleep, and food timing, all of which are potent signalers to your gut of when to “turn on” and work in a consistent fashion.

→ Quality of the food you are eating and macros.

→ Physical activity, since movement helps “move” the bowels and sitting constantly affects anatomy.

→ Environmental toxins, whether that’s pesticides, heavy metals, or those found in your home/personal care products.

→ Dysbiosis, which can lead to an upregulated beta-glucuronidase which impairs detoxification within the gut.

I could go on, but you get the point… digestion is complex.

It requires many facets of your health to be in working order.

And, unfortunately, your doctors are not testing for 95% of these things.

They’ll do a colonoscopy and an endoscopy, say everything looks fine and then send you on your way saying everything looks normal.

No nutrient or toxin testing. No comprehensive stool panel. No food sensitivity testing.

But if you are symptomatic, things are not normal.

There is no reason you should be in discomfort or pain.

There is no reason for you to continue to be laid up on the couch at night, unable to move.

It’s simply a matter of figuring out what areas are out of balance and then to correct them in the proper sequence.

I’ve had clients resolve all sorts of chronic gut issues, from constipation and diarrhea, to reflux and gallbladder attacks.

It can be done, even if you’ve been to numerous doctors without results

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